Guide To Personalized Thermal Bottle Gifting : How To Get Printed

Personalized Thermos Bottle Gifting Guide

Thermos-type cans are one of the most popular containers in times when it is necessary for the drinks inside to maintain a certain temperature for hours. They are usually associated with the cold and with excursions to make the classic stop and rest for a moment to have a hot coffee. Likewise, these can be used to keep the water or whatever you want cool, which is why they are ideal for summer.

In this post we want to explore the most common doubts about personalized thermal bottles, explaining their internal system, alternatives for marking and other issues related to both the product itself and its use as a promotional gift.


How do thermal bottles work?

Are thermos bottles BPA free?

How is it better to wash an insulated bottle?

How is a thermos bottle different from a thermos?

How are thermos bottles personalized?

When to give personalized insulated bottles?

How do thermal bottles work?

Basically, thermos bottles have a system known as vacuum insulation. In other words, unlike the classic containers, they do not have a single wall but rather have an internal structure, separated from this exterior, and which allows them to conserve cold or heat. As these two parts are not in contact, this temperature is not transmitted and, therefore, it does not "escape" from the outside. In addition, this allows that, when holding it, it does not show too much that it is hot or cold.

 As you may already know, this type of drums are metallic, steel being the most common material (although there are some made of aluminum) and, for the internal part, copper is usually used, although there are several types of insulation. Of course, this will vary depending on the model, being able to have some that avoid condensation on the outside. Depending on the format, composition and benefits that it can provide, both the price and the possibilities to personalize it will vary.

Are thermos bottles BPA free?

Usually yes. Being made of stainless steel, this is a material that does not contain BPA. Although it should be noted that there are many models of personalized thermal bottles and that the structure and materials used vary. For this reason, we always recommend reading the product sheets and, in case of doubt, consulting with a member of the team so that they can clarify any related questions.

How is it better to wash an insulated bottle?

It is advisable to do a hand wash since, in this way, we will make sure to damage the surface of the container as little as possible and, of course, the printed logo. After cleaning, do not close it immediately but wait until it is completely dry inside and aired. If it is used frequently, it is advisable to wash it regularly and, if it has not been used for a while, it is better to clean it before introducing any drink.


How is a thermos bottle different from a thermos?

On the inside they are the same type of advertising product. Both have an internal structure discussed above that allows drinks to be kept cold or hot. The points where they diverge are on the outside.

 The thermos usually has a larger format than the bottle and is usually designed for excursions and outings in which regular hydration is required. The bottle, on the other hand, can be used more for day to day, either in the office or at home (or for shorter outings).

 The thermos, in addition, usually carry a series of accessories, such as infusers, thermometers in the lid, bamboo covers and glasses or cups, among others. The bottles, despite not having this series of additives, tend to be somewhat more practical due to their size. In terms of choices about appearance and customization, they are very similar, which we will talk about later.

How to customize thermos bottles?

There are two types of marking depending on the area: circular and on one side. Based on the type of customization we can mention several techniques such as pad printing, screen printing or laser engraving, among other alternatives.


If we talk about circular prints, we will have the option that allows the brand to stand out more. These are used when the personalized insulated bottle takes a back seat so that the company is what attracts the most attention in the container. It should be noted that the shape of the logo must be adequate for this since, for example, if it is a very narrow and elongated image, it probably does not look in the most attractive way and it may be better to opt for the following option. When you want to choose to put it on one side, it will be to make a detail that identifies the company but that is something more integrated without the need for it to stand out excessively.

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